Cassava Cultivation and Processing:

Cassava is a staple crop in Zambia, providing food security and income for millions of farmers. At Mwatasha Food Processing Limited, we are passionate about cassava and its potential to transform the agricultural sector. We work with smallholder farmers to provide them with quality seeds, inputs, training, and market access. We also support them with mechanization, irrigation, and pest management.

We process cassava into various products that meet the needs and preferences of our customers. We produce cassava flour, which is gluten-free, nutritious, and versatile. We also produce cassava starch, which is used in various industries such as paper, textile, and pharmaceutical. We also produce cassava chips, which are a popular snack and animal feed. We use modern technology and hygienic standards to ensure the quality and safety of our products. We also adhere to environmental and social responsibility principles in our operations.

Mango Preservation and Production:

Zambia is blessed with abundant and diverse mango varieties, which are harvested from November to February. However, due to lack of proper storage and processing facilities, most of the mangoes go to waste. At Mwatasha Food Processing Limited, we aim to reduce post-harvest losses and add value to the mango value chain. We work with mango farmers to provide them with cold storage, transportation, and market linkages. We also offer them technical assistance and quality assurance.

We preserve and produce mango products that capture the freshness and flavor of the fruit. We produce mango juice, which is 100% natural, refreshing, and healthy. We also produce mango ice cream, which is creamy, smooth, and indulgent. We use locally sourced ingredients and no artificial additives or preservatives. We also use eco-friendly packaging and distribution methods to minimize our environmental impact. We cater to both local and regional markets, and we are always innovating to create new products and flavors..

Chilli and Tomatoes Farming:

Chilli and tomatoes are among the most widely consumed vegetables in Zambia, adding color and taste to various dishes. At Mwatasha Food Processing Limited, we are dedicated to growing and supplying high-quality chilli and tomatoes to our customers. We have farms in Samfya and on the Copperbelt, where we use organic and climate-smart farming practices. We also employ and empower local women and youth, creating employment and income opportunities.

We also process chilli and tomatoes into value-added products that enhance the culinary experience of our customers. We produce tomato sauce, which is rich, thick, and savory. We also produce chilli sauce, which is spicy, tangy, and aromatic. We also produce tinned preserved tomatoes, which are convenient, long-lasting, and versatile. We use natural ingredients and no artificial colors or flavors. We also use recyclable and biodegradable packaging and labels. We serve both domestic and international markets, and we are always striving to improve our quality and standards


Fish Processing and Export:

Zambia is endowed with abundant freshwater resources, hosting a variety of fish species. Fish is a vital source of protein, income, and livelihood for many Zambians. At Mwatasha Food Processing Limited, we are committed to promoting and enhancing the fish sector. We work with fisherfolk and aquaculture farmers to provide them with inputs, training, and market access. We also support them with quality control, certification, and traceability.

We process and export fish products that meet the demands and expectations of our customers. We produce frozen fish, which are cleaned, gutted, and packaged in vacuum-sealed bags. We also produce dried fish, which are smoked, salted, and sun-dried. We use state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to ensure the freshness and hygiene of our products. We also use cold chain and logistics systems to ensure the timely and safe delivery of our products. We export our products to markets in the UK and Australia, where we have established a reputation for quality and reliability


Mosi-Oa-Tunya – Local Beer:

Zambia has a rich and diverse brewing culture, dating back to pre-colonial times. Local beer is a symbol of social cohesion, celebration, and identity. At Mwatasha Food Processing Limited, we are proud to continue and honor this tradition with our flagship product, Mosi-Oa-Tunya. Mosi-Oa-Tunya is a local beer made from sorghum, maize, and millet. It is fermented using natural yeast and bacteria, giving it a distinctive flavor and aroma.

Mosi-Oa-Tunya is more than just a beer, it is a cultural gem. It is named after the local name for Victoria Falls, meaning “the smoke that thunders”. It is inspired by the beauty and majesty of Zambia’s natural wonders and heritage. It is crafted with care and skill, using locally sourced ingredients and traditional methods. It is enjoyed by people from all walks of life, bringing them together in friendship and harmony. Mosi-Oa-Tunya is a local beer that celebrates Zambia’s spirit and pride.

Soccer Promotion:

At Mwatasha Food Processing Limited, we believe that agriculture is not our only passion. We also believe in giving back to our communities and supporting causes that matter to us. One of these causes is soccer, which is more than just a sport, it is a way of life. Soccer is a source of entertainment, education, and empowerment for many Zambians, especially the youth. Soccer fosters teamwork, discipline, and leadership skills, as well as physical and mental health.

We are actively involved in soccer promotion initiatives, aiming to nurture and develop soccer talent and potential in Zambia. We sponsor various soccer teams and tournaments, such as the Mwatasha Cup, the Mwatasha League, and the Mwatasha Academy. We also provide soccer equipment, training, and coaching to schools and clubs, especially in rural and underprivileged areas. We also partner with local and international organizations, such as FIFA, FAZ, and UNICEF, to promote soccer as a tool for social change and development. Soccer is our passion, and we are proud to share it with our communities.

Feel free to Contact Us

Plot 1 Munsenga, Chingola, Zambia

+260 962 006018